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Tarafa Mhfoud™ | The Art behind the Design

Art has the extraordinary capacity to express things that escape our conscious comprehension.

My art journey encountered numerous bumps, influenced by my studies in civil engineering and my career in design. Despite these challenges, the heart follows its desires, and art remains an integral part of every aspect of my life. Here are a few cherished creations from my painting endeavors:


Art has always been an integral part of my life. I embarked on my journey with oil painting at the age of 10, guided by the skilled supervision of my art mentor, Mr. Mostafa Alsafi. From 2008 to 2012, I actively participated in art galleries in Lebanon and Syria on numerous occasions. In 2016, I initiated Syrialism, an art organization with a singular mission of supporting young artists in Syria. Our efforts extended beyond borders, aiming to translate art books into Arabic. Despite the challenges imposed by the ongoing war, we remained committed to raising awareness about art through our presence on social media. Unfortunately, the organization faced limitations due to the impact of the conflict.

say hello!

you want to talk to me about my art ? well please do ..i would be happy to talk ...

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